Picture of David Mibashan
David Mibashan
David Mibashan est le genre de psychologue que ses collègues auraient préféré ne pas avoir comme collègue. Pourquoi? Parce qu'on l'aurait voulu comme psychologue. David Mibashan a passé les 35 ans dernières années à peaufiner son écoute et son accompagnement. Il se perçoit comme un partenaire pour aller droit au cœur du problème. Vous progresserez, aucun doute là-dessus. «Quand les clients sont capables de se visualiser libérés de leur fardeau, il en reste moins long à faire», précise-t-il. David Mibashan travaille en anglais, en espagnol et en français. À noter qu'il est confortable en français, mais que cela demeure sa troisième langue.
Post pandémic - David Mibashan

Post pandemic

The question I kept asking myself was: Are we coming out of the pandemic in the same way we entered it?
The lessons of the pandemic

The lessons of the pandemic

Although we are probably seeing the light at the end of the tunnel regarding the pandemic, returning to our previous lives involves also the “butterfly ...
Virtuality, the sequel

Virtuality, the sequel

I know that my ideas as to why virtual therapy is so useful might be wrong. What I do know for certain is that clients ...
Holidays and honesty - Meetual

Holidays and honesty

These holidays are a good occasion to be honest with ourselves. The good things that we have or that we lack, the events that happened ...
How many layers does a psychotherapy have - Meetual

How many layers does a psychotherapy have?

When we start a therapy, how long will it take? how many different stages will it have? Of course the answer depends on many variables. ...
On becoming a therapist | Meetual

On becoming a therapist

We do not become psychologists magically. Usually our pasts have brought us to study psychology to understand, to help others, to help ourselves.


Breaking up the chain of abuse. It is not easy to take a stand and change, protecting their children instead of mistreating them.
Virtuality (with a team)

Virtuality (with a team)

As a psychologist, changing from a presential mode to a virtual one was not easy. I am glad I embraced virtuality and I feel great ...
Forgive me not

Forgive me not

An issue that appears every so often in therapy is about forgiving. Many clients deal in therapy with issues that happened years ago, mostly in ...
Psychologist: answers on the prejudices and stereotypes of the profession

Psychologist: answers on the prejudices and stereotypes of the profession

Most people have stereotypes. Psychologists are not exempted. We have stereotypes but there are also many stereotypes about us and "No, I cannot read your ...

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A social worker for 14 years, François Déry supports individuals, couples, families, children, and adolescents. Discover his profile on Meetual!

The lessons of the pandemic
3 questions parents ask during consultation process
Conversation with Dr. Lisa Campisi, child (parent) and adolescent psychologist